Recognized worldwide as the leading expert in teeth whitening, celebrity cosmetic dentist Dr. Bill Dorfman is the inventor of ZOOM! Teeth Whitening, and now brings you a faster, effective and more convenient way to get your smile its brightest with the Mobile White Advanced Teeth Whitening VIP Kit. Widely recognized as “Hollywood’s Smile King,” Dr. Bill is responsible for some of Hollywood brightest smiles, including Hugh Jackman, Katy Perry, Mark Wahlberg, Usher, Eva Longoria, Fergie and many more! With Mobile White’s easy-to-use, on-the-go technology, your smile can shine bright in just 20-minutes, no matter where you are.
Brought to you by the leading expert in teeth whitening, Mobile White was designed with you in mind. We know that whether you are a working mom, corporate executive, or student, your plate is full. Eliminate the need for yet another reminder note by signing up today to automatically receive your whitening gel refills, and keep your smile bright for life!

At Mobile White, we want to give everyone a reason to grin from ear to ear! We donate a portion of all sales to The LEAP Foundation – a non-profit motivational and leadership program dedicated to building the next generation of leaders. LEAP - Leadership. Excellence. Accelerating Potential - strives to give national and international high school and college students a seven year “leap” on life, by teaching valuable life skills such as business etiquette, interview skills, time management, goal setting, making a first impression and many more tools. Not only with your smile thank you, the students will thank you as well!
In the car? At your desk? Working out? Get your smile whiter in just 20 minutes with our Mobile White Advanced Teeth Whitening VIP Kit. Smile brighter knowing our formula is non-toxic, enamel-safe and vegan.